Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dystopian Authors Collide Facebook Event: Featuring The Legacy Series By Ellery Kane


Happy November, Readers!

Whether you love or dread thoughts of the end of the world, there's no denying, this is one hot genre! This week, I'm joining Ellery Kane and some of the best of the best for fun, prizes, and most awesome of all, books! Some of these authors may be familiar, some may be new, but they are all amazingly talented and ready to party! And if you're wondering about that amazing giveaway, read on to the end of this newsletter on how to win a Kindle!

So what are we doing?

A Facebook Party!

Join us from 5:30-10PM EST on November 13th. There will be games, giveaways, and great discussions so don't miss out. Join the Dystopian Authors Collide Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/524438607725392/

Book Sales and Spotlights!

Dystopian Authors Collide Covers

Check out the books of our authors! Some are free, some $0.99, but they are all spectacular. Authors Include: Sara Furlong Burr, Christine Redding Manzari, Cameo Renae, Chrystalla Thoma, David Litwack, Kim Wells, SJ Pajonas, Angela Cavanaugh, Grace Hudson

You can see them all here: www.ellerykane.com/dystopian-authors-collide/

And the Giveaway!


In addition, we've pooled together to bring you a mega giveaway, including a Kindle!

Enter here: www.ellerykane.com/dystopian-authors-collide/

And don't forget to come hang out with us on Friday!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Excerpt from One Crazy Night: "Reanimator" by Sharon Stevenson


 Up next from the upcoming One Crazy Night anthology, here is a short excerpt from “Reanimator” by Sharon Stevenson:

“The cat hissed and batted one paw full of razor sharp claws at my hand.  The cut drew blood that burbled up thickly enough to run and stain the cuff of my new shirt, but that wasn’t what made me want to throw up inside my mouth.  I straightened and tried to breathe more deeply.  It didn’t help.  I’d just brought my sister’s beloved fur-baby back from the dead.”
Learn more about Sharon Stevenson and her books here:
Pre-Order One Crazy Night here: 

If you haven’t joined the release party for One Crazy Night, join it here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1557866974468507


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Excerpt of Elements by M.H. Soars from One Crazy Night

With the release of One Crazy Night just days away (on March 10), I thought it would be fun to share excerpts from some of the other authors who contributed stories to the anthology.

First up is the very talented M.H. Soars with an excerpt from “Elements”:

"The lights on the yacht began to flicker, and a moment later, they went out completely. I called out to Tammara and Amber until I lost my voice. My heart hammered in my chest and tears mingled with the salt water. I pictured Mom, Dad, and Camille, hoping that I would be able to see them once more.

I looked up at the sky, expecting to see angry, stormy clouds that would explain such a drastic change in the sea. The sky was blessedly clear, the full moon now mocking me with its beauty.

All at once, the yacht dipped down at an impossibly steep angle, pointing almost straight down. An ominous, rogue wave advanced toward the boat. I had seen The Perfect Storm. I knew there was no surviving that. I braced myself for the impact, aware I would have to let go once the boat capsized. The wave curled over the top of the bridge and came crashing down. I was ripped from my safe spot and it was all darkness and unbearable pressure for a moment. I was inside a vortex of foam and didn't know which way the surface was. Water filled my lungs and panic began to overtake me.

Through the gloom I saw the fluorescent blue light again. It hovered only a few feet from me and it wasn't a fish. It had the shape of a man. Impossible. He raised his hand as if reaching out and the whirlpool around me stopped. I stood paralyzed, not knowing if I was hallucinating or if I was already dead. The apparition vanished a second later and my body screamed for air. No, I wasn't dead. Not yet."

Check out M.H. Soars’ other books here:


Pre-Order One Crazy Night here:

If you haven’t joined our giveaway bash, what are you waiting for? Come on over, if you love books and want the chance to win swag, ebooks and giftcards all you need to do is join the fun:



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cover Reveal For One Crazy Night!


Book Info:

Title: One Crazy Night
Release date: March 10, 2015
Genre: YA/NA Paranormal Short Stories
Authors: Sara Furlong Burr, Teshelle Combs, Emma Faragher, R. Holland, Louise Nicks, Aoife Marie Sheridan, M. H. Soars, Sharon Stevenson
Format: Ebook

Pre-Order Links:

Amazon | Amazon UK

Add One Crazy Night to your TBR on Goodreads.


Nightshade Reads presents their debut fantasy anthology, featuring nine of the genre’s freshest up-and-coming independent authors. Get ready for One Crazy Night, packed full of magical encounters, dark secrets and shocking revelations.

Get a glimpse into a powerful queen’s dark and brutal backstory in Aoife Marie Sheridan’s Bellona.

In Louise Nick’s Love Magic, a homemade love spell goes disastrously wrong for two amateur teen witches.

A young woman is captured by beautiful, dangerous creatures in M.H. Soars Elements.

A teenage boy falls in love, but things quickly become complicated in R. Holland’s Lady in Black.

Sara Furlong Burr brings a broken man’s troubles to light as he is offered a solution by a mysterious stranger in The Recruit.

Emma Faragher spins a dark origin tale of sisterhood and magic in Necromancer Origins.

The kindness of a stranger takes a homeless young man by surprise in The Keymaker by Teshelle Combs.

Sharon Stevenson’s Reanimator brings death and magic together to change the fate of one young man’s life.

All proceeds from this Anthology's sale will go to The Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Organisation.

About Nightshade Reads:

Nightshade logo 2Nightshade Reads is a group of YA and NA authors who love to spin Paranormal and Fantasy stories. The group is composed by Sara Furlong Burr, Teshelle Combs, Emma Faragher, R. Holland, Louise Nicks, Aoife Marie Sheridan, M. H. Soars, and Sharon Stevenson.

Connect with the Nightshade Reads Authors:

Sara Furlong Burr | Teshelle Combs | Emma Faragher | R. Holland | Louise Nicks | Aoife Marie Sheridan | M. H. Soars | Sharon Stevenson