Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Excerpt from One Crazy Night: "Reanimator" by Sharon Stevenson


 Up next from the upcoming One Crazy Night anthology, here is a short excerpt from “Reanimator” by Sharon Stevenson:

“The cat hissed and batted one paw full of razor sharp claws at my hand.  The cut drew blood that burbled up thickly enough to run and stain the cuff of my new shirt, but that wasn’t what made me want to throw up inside my mouth.  I straightened and tried to breathe more deeply.  It didn’t help.  I’d just brought my sister’s beloved fur-baby back from the dead.”
Learn more about Sharon Stevenson and her books here:
Pre-Order One Crazy Night here: 

If you haven’t joined the release party for One Crazy Night, join it here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1557866974468507


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