Sunday, March 16, 2014

Redemption (Enigma Black Book #3) Cover Reveal

Graphic designer George Arnold has created an amazing cover for Redemption (the third and final book in the Enigma Black trilogy), and although the book won't be released until this summer, I just couldn't help sharing it with you all.

For more of George Arnold's book covers, check out the following link:


James Garcia Jr said...

Looks good, Sara. Sadly, I still judge books by their covers, but that one looks great. Best of luck with it.
How have you been? It's been forever since I've dropped by for a visit. Sorry about that. I just climbed out of writer's cave and thought I'd better take this time to make a few visits. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Take care.


Mia Hoddell said...

Can't wait to read it!